In Enugu State

In Enugu State
For your Goat meat and Fresh Fish, contact us now...

Monday, 29 July 2019

Agricultural products sharing business in Nigeria

Our economy currently compels almost everyone to start one business or the other. Despite the uncertain economic condition, food business is viable because people cannot afford to stay without food.

Agricultural products like crayfish, rice, dry fish have always been shared by coworkers but now sharing of items like meat, fish, tomatoes, onions etc is a very competitive business in States like Lagos.

Are you looking for a business to start? Do you have what it takes to coordinate the items sharing and dispatching? If yes, you can try this business.

Items that can be shared are:

 Cow meat 
 Ram and Goat meat 
 Chicken meat 
 Tomatoes and Pepper 
 Potatoes. etc

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